Learn How To Become A Content Machine!

People don't buy from brands, they buy from people.  When you start showing your personality in your marketing you'll have endless amount of content ideas, and you're able to keep your marketing costs down.

What Type Of Content?

  • Memes & GIF's 
    People are on social media to be entertained, not sold.  Learning how to use both of these in your marketing will allow you to convey a business message in an entertaining, and most importantly meet your prospect where they're at.

  • Testimonial Graphics 
    Reviews are extremely important, however what's even more important is who see's your reviews.  You'll learn how to take an ordinary text review from Google, Yelp or any other review website and turn it into a graphic that is "shareworthy" and post it across social media.

  • Infographics 
    People do business with those who they know, like and trust.  By creating these and sharing them across social media you'll demonstrate that you're an authority in your marketplace.  Free value builds trust and if you can help someone avoid dealing with an incompetent salesperson or a lousy experience, that is a big deal!

  • Audiograms 
    While infographics are extremely effective, eventually you run out of room before it starts to looks too cluttered.  If you would like to expand on a topic, I always recommend doing a video... however not everyone is comfortable on camera.  There is a happy medium, and that is called an AudioGram.  It's basically a picture with a voiceover.

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